Scientology Looms as Kubrick Daughter Scraps Shelley Duvall Crowdfunding Campaign. Jennifer Tilly gave 5. Go. Fund. Me campaign that aimed to raise 1. Shelley Duvall, the quirky, Minnie Mouse voiced star of films like Stanley Kubricks The Shining and Robert Altmans Nashville and Popeye. Now Tilly will be getting her donation back and be left wondering, no doubt, exactly what happened. The campaign was a direct response to a shocking and much criticized Nov. Duvall by talk show therapist Phil Mc. Graw on his syndicated Dr. Phil. In it, the 6. Duvall, practically unrecognizable from her doe eyed younger self, demonstrated signs of severe psychosis accompanied by hallucinations. Appearing dazed and exhausted, she made erratic references to the Bermuda Triangle, yellow jacket wasps and a no kill policy before eventually conceding, Im very sick. I need help. In the episode, Mc. Graw does attempt to bring Duvall to a Los Angeles clinic for treatment she refused care and medication and flew back home to Texas. Mc. Graw goes on to explain that the show is keeping up with Duvall in Texas and attempting alternative treatment methods. Watch The Time Guardian Online Hollywoodreporter' title='Watch The Time Guardian Online Hollywoodreporter' />The controversial episode has since disappeared from the Dr. Phil online episode guide. Stunned at what she characterized as the brazen exploitation of the woman her father once directed in what is now considered a masterpiece of modern horror, Stanley Kubricks daughter, Vivian Kubrick, launched the Go. Fund. Me in Duvalls name on Nov. THR, I just think she deserves a great deal more respect. Her father, its worth mentioning, famously subjected Duvall to very real psychological torture techniques to elicit the performance he was looking for in The Shining they regularly left Duvall emotionally shattered, sobbing alone in a room for upwards of 1. Vivian says she does not know Duvall personally and was not aware of the Dr. Phil appearance until she was alerted to a promo for it by Pixar director Lee Unkrich Toy Story 3. Unkrich is writing a book about The Shining and has been in touch with Vivian for it. Neither Lee nor myself, had any idea how severe Shelleys state of health was until Lee texted me a link to the Dr. Phil trailer 2 nights ago. We were both horrified. Thats when I fired off my 2 Tweets to Dr. Phil, Kubrick wrote in an update message on the Go. Fund. Me page. She also referenced a sad group of haters who questioned her motives. But Kubrick abruptly pulled the plug Nov. Many Twitter users and Go. Fund. Me commenters are now questioning if Vivians deep ties to the Church of Scientology, an organization that vilifies all forms of psychiatry and mental health treatment, had something to do with it. Kubrick released a statement of explanation on Twitter. Selena Marie Gomez n. Texas, SUA este o actri i cntrea american. Gomez ia fcut primul debut n Barney Friends ca Gianna, n. I spoke today with Shelleys mother Bobbie, she wrote, who explained that after her discussion with SAG AFTRA and the fact that Shelley is on government benefits, they cant afford to accept any large donations at this time. But THR contacted several Hollywood labor experts who said Duvalls SAG AFTRA benefits like pension and health insurance are not means tested and therefore would be unaffected by the Go. Fund. Me campaign. There are, however, emergency assistance programs from the SAG AFTRA Foundation and The Actors Fund that are only available to people in dire economic straits. Duvalls current financial situation is unclear. Kubrick goes on to say that Go. Fund. Me is presently refunding all your donations. The fundraising page disappeared from the site at approximated 1. PT on Tuesday, but was still accessible through Google Cache. Vivian Kubrick, 5. Christiane Harlan, a young German actress he met on the set of 1. Paths of Glory. While Kubrick had been married twice before, he and Harlan never tied the knot though they stayed together 4. The couples first child together, Anya, was one year older than Vivian. When Anya died in 2. Vivian did not attend the funeral this despite the fact that the pair were all but inseparable growing up. By then, however, Vivian had been deeply enmeshed in Scientology for well over a decade, according to family members who have spoken with the media. A talented musician and orchestrator, Vivian had composed the music to her fathers Full Metal Jacket in 1. Kubrick, who was grooming her to follow in his filmmaking footsteps, had wanted his daughter to compose the score to 1. Eyes Wide Shut, too but by then Vivian had begun the process of disconnection from her family. At the last moment she said she wouldnt, Kubricks widow Christiane told The Guardian in 2. Scientology watchdog site The Underground Bunker. Hobbit r en filmtrilogi baserad p J. R. R. Tolkiens roman Bilbo En hobbits ventyr frn 1937. Den frsta filmen, Hobbit En ovntad resa, hade biopremir. The only place on the web for Led Zeppelin bootleg specific transcriptions, with tour dateset list info and pictures of venues, tickets, posters, downloads and reviews. They had a huge fight. He was very unhappy. He wrote her a 4. SfakuK84XcALYx5eJylRVOQ9vZtMBpq/slide-1.jpg' alt='Watch The Time Guardian Online Hollywoodreporter' title='Watch The Time Guardian Online Hollywoodreporter' />He begged her endlessly to come home from California. Im glad he didnt live to see what happened. Kubrick died in March 1. Tom Cruise Nicole Kidman film opened. In 2. Vivians half sister Katharina Kubrick told the Daily Beast that Vivian had cut off all communication to the family. Katharina went on to recount the time Vivian showed up to her fathers 1. Scientology handler. The person sat on a bed, saying nothing, while Vivian complained of back pain that she said had been caused 1. When she failed to show up in 2. Anyas funeral, the family had all but lost hope. She has completely changed as a person, Katharina said. And its just very sad. Were not allowed to contact her. Something happened to her. She has been changed forever. To the familys shock, after years of no contact with Vivian, someone spotted her in a video of a 2. Dallas, her hometown, led by the conspiracy obsessed conservative radio host Alex Jones. According to Hollywood Interrupteds Mark Ebner, Vivian was policing the Go. Fund. Me page vigilantly since its Friday launch, blocking anyone who simply asks if the money could possibly go to legitimate psychiatric health care practices which the organization has openly and aggressively derided as barbaric and corrupt since its founding in 1. In Los Angeles, the church runs Psychiatry An Industry of Death, a permanent museum devoted to the topic located on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood. Ebner also points out that the Go. Fund. Me page was listed as emanating from Clearwater, Fla., headquarters of the Church of Scientology. That raised a red flag, Ebner tells THR. I dont think Vivian even knew Shelley. It seems rather opportunistic to raise money for this very sick, if not psychotic woman, out of the spiritual mecca, Clearwater, for a woman she doesnt know. Selena Gomez Wikipedia. Selena Marie Gomez n. Texas, SUA este o actri i cntrea american. Gomez i a fcut primul debut n Barney Friends ca Gianna, n perioada 2. Ca urmare, Selena a avut roluri episodice n filme, cum ar fi Spy Kids 3 D Game Over 2. Walker, Texas Ranger Trial by Fire 2. Gomez a aprut ca invitat special ntr un episod din serialul de la Disney Channel, Zack i Cody, ce via minunat, precum i Hannah Montana. Dup aceasta, Selena a jucat n propriul su serial de televiziune, Magicienii din Waverly Place, difuzat pe Disney Channel. Serialul a fost un succes critic i comercial, ctignd numeroase premii i nominalizri. Mai trziu a aprut n numeroase seriale i filme, inclusiv Jonas Brothers Living the Dream 2. Disney Channel Games 2. Gomez a aprut n filmele Programul de protecie a prineselor cu Demi Lovato i Magicienii din Waverly Place Filmul, nainte de lansarea primului su album de studio ca Selena Gomez Scene, intitulat Kiss Tell. Albumul a fost un succes comercial, ajungnd n Top 1. Billboard 2. 00. Dup aceasta, Gomez a aprut n filmul Ramona and Beezus, una dintre primele sale roluri n afar de Disney. Gomez i The Scene au lansat al doilea album de studio, A Year Without Rain, mai trziu n acel an. Albumul a intrat n Top 5 Billboard 2. Top 4. 0. Gomez a nceput s apar n mai multe filme, cum ar fi Monte Carlo 2. The Muppets 2. 01. The Scene, When the Sun Goes Down, n 2. Albumul a dat natere hit ului Love You Like a Love Song. Dup lansarea albumului, Selena a confirmat c va lua o pauz muzical pentru a se concentra pe cariera ei cinematografic. Apoi a continuat s apar n filme precum Hotel Transylvania 2. Spring Breakers 2. Selena Gomez a confirmat n luna octombrie 2. Stars Dance, acesta fiind i primul su album de studio solo. Primul single de pe album, Come Get It, a fost lansat n aprilie 2. Acesta a devenit primul ei hit n Top 1. Billboard Hot 1. 00, i a fost certificat dublu platin de RIAA. Al doilea single al albumului, Slow Down, a fost lansat n luna iunie al aceluiai an. Gomez a anunat c vrea o pauz muzical de la eliberarea de turneul Stars Dance Tour. Gomez a prsit casa de discuri Hollywood Records, dup lansarea primei sale compilaii de hituri, For You 2. Dup aceasta, ea a semnat un nou contract de nregistrri cu Interscope Records, continund s lucreze la cel de al doilea album al su. Gomez este implicat n activiti filantropice, prin munca de caritate i diverse cauze sociale i de mediu. Ea a colaborat cu numeroase organizaii pentru cauze caritabile, n principal cu UNICEF, timp de civa ani. Gomez i a nfiinat propria sa companie de producii, July Moon Productions, n 2. Gomez i a lansat linia sa de haine Dream Out Loud prin Kmart hainele sunt fcute din materiale ecologice sau reciclate. De la nceputul carierei ei muzicale, Gomez a vndut 2. Selena Marie Gomez s a nscut n Grand Prairie, Texas, pe data de 2. Ricardo Joel Gomez i fosta actri Amanda Zori Mandy Teefey n. Cornett. 1. 01. Gomez a fost numit dup cntreaa de muzic Tejano, Selena, care a murit dup aproape trei ani de cnd Gomez se nscuse. Tatl ei este de origine mexican, n timp ce mama ei, care a fost adoptat, este de origine italian. Gomez a declarat, Familia mea are Quinceaere, i mergem la biserici comune. Noi facem tot ce este catolic, dar nu avem nimic tradiional, cu excepia mersului n parc i grtarele n zilele de duminic dup biseric. Prinii ei au divorat cnd ea avea cinci ani. Gomez are dou surori. Sora ei, Gracie Elliot Teefey, a fost nscut de Amanda i al doilea so al ei, Brian Teefey, pe data de 1. Gomez are nc o sor, Victoria Gomez, care s a nscut lui Ricardo i soiei sale Sara pe data de 2. Ea a ctigat o diplom de liceu prin nvatul acas n mai 2. A fost crescut numai de mama ei, care a nscut o la 1. Acest lucru a dus familia la probleme financiare, pentru care mama ei lupta din greu, pentru a i druii o copilrie normal Selenei. La un moment dat, Gomez a spus c trebuiau s caute litri doar ca s aib benzin pentru main. Mama sa a spus c ele dou mergeau la un magazin local ca s cumpere spaghete pentru cin. Watch Cafe Society Hindi Full Movie more. De asemenea, Gomez a spus Eu eram frustrat pentru c prinii mei nu erau mpreun, i nu am vzut niciodat lumina alb de la captul tunelului unde mama mea muncea din greu ca s am eu o via mai bun. Texas. 2. 5 Apoi a spus mi amintesc cnd mncam multe macaroane cu brnz, dar mama mea nu a fcut niciodat asta s par mare lucru. Watch The Jacket Online Hollywoodtake on this page. Ea era foarte puternic n preajma mea. Avndu m la 1. 6 ani trebuie s fi fost o mare responsabilitate. Mama a renunat la totul pentru mine, i a luat trei slujbe, ma ajutat i i a riscat viaa pentru mine. Gomez a avut o relaie bun cu bunicii si ca un copil, i a participat la multe concursuri de frumusee. Bunicii ei aveau des grij de ea, cnd prinii ei au terminat coala, i au sous i c au crescut o pn a devenit faimoas. Ea a nceput s arate interes n a avea o carier n industria de divertisment pentru prima oar urmrind o pe mama sa pregtindu se pentru producii teatrale. Ea a nceput s audiioneze pentru diferite roluri, ntlnind o pe Demi Lovato n timpul unei audiii pentru Barney and Friends. Ambele fete au fost alese mai trziu s apar n serial n 2. Gomez interpretnd personajul Gianna. Serialul a fost prima sa experien n actorie, cu Gomez spunnd Eu eram foarte ruinoas cnd eram mic. Eu nu tiam ce camer dreapt nsemna. Nu tiam ce nseamn a bloca. Am nvat totul de la Barney. Gomez a aprut n paisprezece episoade din serial din 2. Gomez a avut un rol cameo n filmul Spy Kids 3 D Game Over 2. Walker, Texas Ranger Trial by Fire 2. Succesul cu Magicienii din Waverly Placemodificare modificare surs. Gomez pe platoul serialului Magicienii din Waverly Place 2. Acum avnd mai mult experien, Gomez a audiionat pentru roluri de la compania Disney Channel, mpreun cu Lovato. Gomez a fcut o apariie special ntr un episod din serialul Zack i Cody, ce via minunat n 2. Anul urmtor, lui Gomez i a fost oferit un rol recurent n serialul de la Disney Channel Hannah Montana ea a aprut de trei ori n serial, n dou sezoane. Gomez a filmat episoadele pilot pentru dou poteniale seriale Disney Channel primul, intitulat Arwin,4.