Watch Dear Phone 4Shared

Watch Dear Phone 4shared Download' title='Watch Dear Phone 4shared Download' />Complete List of Madina Arabic Video from Book 1 to Book 3, also List of Video of Selection from The Glorious Quran. Read to debunk the myths of Vedas having support of beefeating. Also know what Ashwamedha and Gomedha actually mean. How to Flash any Dead Android Phone using PC steps and different installation methods which include MTK android phones Nokia Phones Asha, Java, Symbion. Allwinner A13 Firmware, Flash file or ISO image has been listed here, it can be used for flashing tablet PC which has Allwinner A13 processor in it. Watch Dear Phone 4shared Mp3Watch Dear Phone 4SharedTablet stuck on Android screen Fix. I am sure that you have been combing the internet in search of a solution to the issue of your Android tablet stuck on the Android logo or your tablet stuck on Android screen without much success, we too have been there and we have found the solution to this annoying and prevalent issue on Android tablets. Rest assured we have the fix and you should be leaving here today with your tablet that is now broken in working condition once again. The Issue in detail. The problem usually presents itself like this you boot up your tablet and the tablet reaches the Android logo and hangs there and never moves. If you attempt to restart or reset the tablet through the Android recovery mode that too does not help and the tablet is basically useless as it will not start up. Tablet Stuck on Android Boot Logo. Why is my tablet stuck on the Android Screen The issue is caused by a corrupted or none functioning Android operating system and the only way to get your device back to a functional state is to reflash the original firmware or a compatible version. Devices that This will work on. This will work on any Android tablet with the issue, however it works best with tablets that look like the Alldaymall A1. MID or the Irulu AK3. My Irulu AK3. 04 after Flashing fully functional again. Better than new with some touches. What will I need to fix this Issue You will need 1. A Micro. SD Card. A means of connecting the Micro. SD card to the PCa Micro. SD Card to USB converter. Your Tablets Firmware Alldaymall A1. MID Firmware Click here. Irulu AK3. 04 Firmware Click here. Other Tablets Search for your firmware here 4. Download the Phoenix Card tool here. How to Fix your tablet that is Stuck on the Android Logo You will need to get the relevant items from the list above that includes the Micro. SD card, the SDCard adapter,phoenix card tool and your appropriate firmware for your model tablet. I have also included a video that actually shows you what to do step by step so it would help greatly for you to watch that along with this guide. For reference and the sake of this guide I will be referring to the Alldaymall A1. MID tablet but remember that this will work on any similar looking tablet despite the brand. You will first need to open the Alldaymall tablet and look at the motherboard and copy the board ID number so that you can find the specific firmware. My Alldaymall A1. MID motherboard ID number was Q8 V1. I searched and found the appropriate firmware. Once you find your ID number you can do the same and find the appropriate firmware. The other solution if you are not comfortable with opening up your tablet would be to try my specific firmware or others until you find the correct one. Connect the Micro. SD card to the computer using the adapter and Extract the downloaded Phoenix Tool and open the folder and find the green Phoenix tool icon that looks like a folder and click it. From here it should look like this Phoenix Card tool Interface. Under Disk make sure that the drive letter of your Micro. SD card is displayed, you will now need to unzip or un. Ra. R your Firmware file and use the IMG button in Phoenix tool to browse for the file and select it. Billy Elliot Movie Watch Online. Make sure that write mode is set to Product and hit the button that says format to normal. After formatting completes then hit clear to get rid of the notifications and then Burn. Allow the process to complete and then when finished remove the Micro. SD card. Trouble shooting Phoenix Card tools Issues. If for some reason the phoenix card tool is giving you issues or errors try the following Manually format the Micro. SD card from windows. Change the SD card that you are using it might be faulty. Re download the Firmware file or try another. Insert the Micro. SD card into the tablet that is stuck on the Android screen and power on the tablet. There is nothing that you will need to do now but sit back and allow the bootable Micro. SD card to automatically format or flash your tablet. It might take a little time to get started at first but allow it to do its thing and finish completely. Once completed remove your SDCard and allow the tablet to boot and it should boot up fully. Remember once the firmware is correct touch and all your tablet features will work, if the firmware is incorrect the touch interface will be unresponsive and you will need another firmware. Finished Also if your tablet is in a strange language fret not, all you will need to do is navigate settings and change the language back to good old English. Also if this method of flashing your tablet is not working then try this alternative method here with the firmware file. I hope that our tutorial was helpful in getting your bricked tablet back to life and allowing you to fully start up your device and ultimately saved you from buying a new one. Well the only thing that I ask is that you now take the time to comment, we would love to know if this actually worked for you after all imagined if someone else had this issue and was wondering if this worked you could be a hero also by just confirming if this works or not, so go ahead and leave a comment. Continue Reading we have even more Tips for you.