Mary And Jane Episode 4

Being Mary Jane Season 4 Episode 1 Mr. Screen-Shot-2014-02-12-at-6.20.27-AM.png' alt='Mary And Jane Episode 4' title='Mary And Jane Episode 4' />Mary And Jane Episode 4Being Mary Jane Season 4 Finale Recap. Speaking of birthdays, Kara Lisa Vidal, MJ, and Lee Chik. Showtime Full Who Is Alice Online Free. In Being Mary Jane Ep 8, our girl has a lot more luck than she did in episode seven, but not before dealing with the usual drama first. The trio are having a few laughs and glasses of wine in Karas dining room. Zadie Smiths name even comes up in conversation adulting 1. Out of nowhere Justin Michael Ealy appears, with a voice, though soft spoken, that still manages to drown out Lees laughter. Oh wait, that was just Mary Jane daydreaming. The tides completely turned on last nights episode of Being Mary Jane. RELATED Being Mary Jane Recap Season 4 Episode 6 You Can Have It All. It was all about Niecy Raven Goodwin this week on Being Mary Jane. All the problems we saw bubbling up came to a head last night as the niece of Mary Jane Paul. This show treats history with all the respect of a wet fart and, in my opinion, is. Being Mary Jane, Season 4 Ep. Butt Play, Cardi B And Mary Jane Gets Ratchet. This season, after much anticipation, Ive been waiting on two things to happen for Mary Jane Paul Gabrielle Union to turn 40 and for her to finally settle into. Gabrielle Union stars as Mary Jane Paul, a wildly successful TV reporter who is searching for love in all the wrong places.